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Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Lazy Football Saturday

Just another college football Saturday in the fall. A lazy day at home since the game is away this week.

Bindi and I started the day by taking an excursion to Petco to pick up bedding for Link the mouse, considering her cage reeked! Bindi is such a funny dog, she saw the mice at the store and of course wanted to get a closer look. I literally  had to drag her away from the mice because she wanted to get up close and personal. She loves to go in the bedroom at home and stand up on her hind legs to see on top of the dresser and look at Link. Link of course doesn't care for Bindi and either hides or purposely tries to mess with the dog's head.

We tried a new recipe tonight out of "The Homesick Texan" cookbook. I love this lady's recipes and have yet to find one that has not been amazing. To say the least the chorizo empanadas I made for dinner were outstanding! It is a fairly simple recipe, and a lot healthier for you because instead of frying the empanadas, you bake them instead. The crust is simple as well, just cream cheese, butter, and flour. The filling calls for mexican red chorizo (which I have to say is HARD to find in Florida and my mommy has to bring me a cooler full every time she comes to visit), monterey jack cheese, sliced black olives, and diced jalapenos. The flavor was amazing and not at all too spicy. I encourage anyone to try this recipe! And if you don't know by now, not only do I have a love affair with Mexican Red Chorizo, but I could eat Mexican food every day of the week and never get tired of it. However, since I do not want to be as big as a house, I will settle for every now and again.

Bindi sends her love, but she needs to go out so we will cut this short.

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