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Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Lazy Football Saturday

Just another college football Saturday in the fall. A lazy day at home since the game is away this week.

Bindi and I started the day by taking an excursion to Petco to pick up bedding for Link the mouse, considering her cage reeked! Bindi is such a funny dog, she saw the mice at the store and of course wanted to get a closer look. I literally  had to drag her away from the mice because she wanted to get up close and personal. She loves to go in the bedroom at home and stand up on her hind legs to see on top of the dresser and look at Link. Link of course doesn't care for Bindi and either hides or purposely tries to mess with the dog's head.

We tried a new recipe tonight out of "The Homesick Texan" cookbook. I love this lady's recipes and have yet to find one that has not been amazing. To say the least the chorizo empanadas I made for dinner were outstanding! It is a fairly simple recipe, and a lot healthier for you because instead of frying the empanadas, you bake them instead. The crust is simple as well, just cream cheese, butter, and flour. The filling calls for mexican red chorizo (which I have to say is HARD to find in Florida and my mommy has to bring me a cooler full every time she comes to visit), monterey jack cheese, sliced black olives, and diced jalapenos. The flavor was amazing and not at all too spicy. I encourage anyone to try this recipe! And if you don't know by now, not only do I have a love affair with Mexican Red Chorizo, but I could eat Mexican food every day of the week and never get tired of it. However, since I do not want to be as big as a house, I will settle for every now and again.

Bindi sends her love, but she needs to go out so we will cut this short.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I May Not Be Cut Out to Be A Blogger....

To say the least it has been a VERY long time since I have blogged on here...I hadn't even started my
new job, which now I have been at for over a year and a half! So many things have changed since then. We have had the house re plumbed, the master bathroom remodeled (with lots of drama, some still occuring), and gotten the best little puppy in the whole stinkin' world! Introducing: Bindi (also known as Bindi the Boo, Boo Bear, Pupster, and Pupperoni)

Life has certainly changed, I got a promotion in August to Program Supervisor which brings on a whole lot more responsibility as I now oversee 5 employees in our county division of Early Head Start. I am a little over 1 year into my Master's degree, and wishing so badly that it was over! I bit off a little more than I could chew trying to work full time and get my degree full time. Sometimes there are not enough hours in a day to get it all done. The goal is to get through to next August and graduate at the end of the summer. The plan is to be able to walk for graduation, if everything works out and I have time to take off from work and get out to Huntsville. I look forward to going home, the last time I was there I didn't get to see anyone or do anything because my mom was so sick. I can't wait to see good friends and enjoy the Houston atmosphere. Sometimes I consider myself a Homesick Texan. Which leads me to tell you to go buy the cookbook by the same name. That lady is a culinary genius when it comes to Texas food, though she does go a little bit spicy on her recipes. Hopefully this weekend I will be making chorizo empanadas from her book while we cheer on our Gators who we hope can pull out a game. Don't get me wrong I'm no fair weather fan, I'm there through thick and thin, bleeding orange and blue. (By the way I am SO proud of my Bearkats and the start to the season they have had) Eat'em up Kats!

As for the day I have had, it has been interesting. We have had over 10 inches of rain in the past 3 days but the sun finally came out this morning. The tree in our front yard decided to shed a giant limb out onto the road and sidewalk, which was interesting to get cleaned up because I had to make at least 3 phone calls to find out who deals with that. Surprisingly the town didn't do it, the county did. Then this afternoon I had a 2 hour final exam to take for school, while the dog paced around me and complained that I wasn't paying her enough attention. She may be considered an "adult" now that she is 1, but sometimes she sure does act like a puppy.

So despite everything, life goes on, and we try to make the best of it.