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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jan. #2

So here goes...

1. the rats went away, then decided to come back before we could get the holes patched...therefore, we still have rats in the attic :(

2. I am praising the Lord because Amber has been given a clean bill of health! Her whole situation with the molar pregnancy and the possible cancer was a scary situation. I don't know what I would have done if they had told her any different. Cancer might be the scariest word in the human language. I've seen what it does to people, and I've had close friends die from it. I couldn't imagine living in a world without my best friend and can't imagine her leaving Sophie without a mother. It would be absolutely devastating.

3. My cousin, Anna Grace, a heart baby is on the road to recovery. She had open heart surgery at the age of 1 week old and she is proving to be a champ! She is 4 weeks old now and as soon as her eating improves, Tina will get to take her home. I know it will be a welcome day for the family to have sweet little Grace home. God has certainly blessed Anna Grace and her family.

4. Allergies Suck! That is all I have to say on that matter.

5. I keep thinking tomorrow is Friday, and indeed it will only be Thursday...what a crappy feeling.

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