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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jan. #2

So here goes...

1. the rats went away, then decided to come back before we could get the holes patched...therefore, we still have rats in the attic :(

2. I am praising the Lord because Amber has been given a clean bill of health! Her whole situation with the molar pregnancy and the possible cancer was a scary situation. I don't know what I would have done if they had told her any different. Cancer might be the scariest word in the human language. I've seen what it does to people, and I've had close friends die from it. I couldn't imagine living in a world without my best friend and can't imagine her leaving Sophie without a mother. It would be absolutely devastating.

3. My cousin, Anna Grace, a heart baby is on the road to recovery. She had open heart surgery at the age of 1 week old and she is proving to be a champ! She is 4 weeks old now and as soon as her eating improves, Tina will get to take her home. I know it will be a welcome day for the family to have sweet little Grace home. God has certainly blessed Anna Grace and her family.

4. Allergies Suck! That is all I have to say on that matter.

5. I keep thinking tomorrow is Friday, and indeed it will only be Thursday...what a crappy feeling.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

January 2010

A new year, a lot of new things going on, no new job yet though. :s

The house seems to be providing us with an endless amount of work and expense. I suppose that comes with owning your own home.We have yet to replace the backflow device on the irrigation system, and if it is not fixed by the end of the month we will have our water cut off by the city. We have what I believe are rats in our attic scurrying around and making a delightful mess. I'm trying to get rid of them naturally with peppermint oil, because there is no way I want to deal with smelly dead rats and traps.

We have finally finished all of the painting and fixing up in the kitchen and spare bathroom. Our bathroom we have not yet tackled as we are waiting for the tax money to roll in. There is no telling what we are going to do to our bathroom but I do know it will be expensive to say the least. I absolutely love having our own house though. It may be one of the best feelings in the world to have a place to call your own that no one else can lay claim to. I find it hard to work on the house this week however, because I have been sick for almost 2 weeks now and antibiotics are not helping to make it better. I will keep trying to get over this, that is all I can do I suppose.

In other news, my cousin Tina had her baby, Anna Grace, right after Christmas. Anna Grace has a heart problem and has already undergone extensive open heart surgery and came through it like a champ. She has even been able to move out of PICU and is off of all ventilators and most tubes. However, she is struggling now to take in food. She cannot drink breastmilk because of the fats, and she is not taking well to formula either. Please pray for Anna Grace and her family. She is such a strong little girl to come through all of this the way she has, but she continues to need our prayers and help.

On another note, we will be in Pierson celebrating Pat and Jimmie's (Adam's grandparents) 50th wedding anniversary this weekend. They will be renewing their vows and having a reception afterwards. It is a blessing to see a couple being able to stay married and be happy for that many years, especially in today's society with all of the divorces. I pray that Adam and I are able to spend more than 50 years together happily.

In ending, I completely encourage all persons to purchase a "Snuggie" because it is the best blanket on earth. Yes, I agree that it is incredibly stupid looking to wear, but the warmth and comfort level that it provides is terrific!