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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Movin' On Up

Just a short update tonight on things because I am exhausted and ready for bed.

I interviewed a few weeks ago with Children's Home Society of Florida (who I have been trying to get an interview with for 2.5 years) and got the call on Friday offering me the job. So of course I jumped on the option and I will now be starting my new job in training on April 12th. As much as I hate leaving my class of kids in the middle of the school year, I could not possibly pass up this chance to get into the field that I have strived to be in. I cannot wait to start this job, although I am extremely nervous because I will be dramatically effecting people's lives from here on out.

My official title is Early Head Start Home Visitor. The job requires me to go to clients houses to do early head start and check up on how the children are doing. A lot of the work includes working with parents on how to parent and making sure that the children are doing well. If things are not going well I may be the one who pulls the plug and DCF will come in and remove the child from the home. I will more than likely have to testify in court who knows how many times. It will be a challenging job, that is for sure. Hopefully I am cut out for this work. I have wanted to get into the social work field since graduating. I only hope that I do not fail miserably in this line of work. I feel a bit overwhelmed because I have no idea what I am going to be doing and I have never done this type of work before. I know everyone has to start somewhere, but it is definately a scary situation.

Anyways, this position is going to open up new doors in our lives. The increased salary will not only make the money issue and paying bills more feasible, but it makes sure that we can afford our football tickets next season. It also opens up the door for us to get a dog, which I want badly. And the biggest door it opens is that we can possibly begin trying to start a family sometime in the next year or two because money won't be such an issue anymore. Things are definately looking up and I thank God for the opportunities he has given us and I hope I do Him proud.