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Friday, April 10, 2009

Never Enough

Never enough seems to be the theme lately....

Never enough time in a day...or sleep at night...or patience to go around...or money to pay bills...

I find myself always concerned about things, yet I know that I am far better off than a lot of other people right now. It feels almost greedy in a way to know that I think those things. But isn't that human nature? The only things that keep me sane are good friends, a wonderful fiance, my parents, and the cutest 3 year old on the face of the planet. Yes, there actually is one child that I will honestly and truly miss in August when our class moves up to Pre-K. Much to my surprise I've been forming a strong bond with Connor since the start of the new year. He was the only one that really missed me while I was gone last week too. I don't believe I've ever met a smarter 3 year old. He is already pretty much reading and knows things most 2nd graders do not. Not to mention he is the most loving little thing ever. It makes me feel good inside to know that I am contributing to his life in some way. I wish that there were some way to find out who he will be in 20 years. That's the sad part though, once they pass on to another class we will lose touch and that connection will be forgotten. It's sad how these things happen. And nothing is immune to it.