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Monday, March 2, 2009

What a Month Coming Up

So let's just say I've got a ton on my plate and my mind this month and its only 2 days into it. Work is starting to drive me crazy! I had a job interview recently and I am supposed to call HR on Wednesday to find out what the next step is, or if there even is one. I am praying with all of my might there is a next step because I REALLY want this job. It is only a silly input clerk position at the Seminole County Criminal Justice Center, but after a year I could transfer to domestics or juvenile which is where I want to be. I really hope I made a good impression because I so want to be working in my own field before the wedding. We can't survive off of this type of income for very long if we are getting married. In other news Adam's mom, my soon to be mother-in-law, is having one of her kidneys removed on Thursday. She has a cyst on it and it has doubled in size in a short period of time. Needless to say it is a scary situation and a scary surgery. She will be laid up for awhile which will not make her a pleasant person. We can only hope it hasn't spread anywhere because the doctors think it may be cancerous. That would really put a damper on her life and the wedding plans. There is so much going on that I think my head might explode soon. I can't wait to go home at the end of March to see everyone I haven't seen in almost a year and a half. It has been too long, yet I really haven't missed Houston, that is not to say that I haven't missed the people. Sometimes I wish we had more friends around here to go do things with even though we can make up a lot of fun on our own most of the time.

We spent most of the entire weekend either at the mall or playing lego batman on our wii. Let me tell you that game is downright addictive and by far much better than lego starwars ever was and I loved Lego starwars. I wish the wii would hurry up and come out with another big hit game like super mario galaxy. Sadly I beat that game in less than a week even though it was amazingly awesome fun.

On an ending note I had great fun with one of my kids from school last week when he decided to chase his shadow on the playground. It reminded me so much of peter pan. He chased his shadow til it disappeared and then decided it was chasing him while he was running away. At one point he stood staring and his shadow and yelled and waved to it screaming, "Hi Connor!", which is his name. It definately made my day because cute moments like that are hard to come by sometimes.