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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Holidays Drawing Near

So as the holidays loom closer and closer every day I find myself a bit overwhelmed by a lot of things. Money is so tight these days and I worry about being able to provide a good Christmas for everyone. Making ends meet is getting harder and harder with each passing paycheck and each new bill. I don't really know how to make the situation any better. And as this year is coming to an end it places a bigger emphasis on the fact that July is going to be here before we know it. Yet we have no money to pay for this wedding or our honeymoon. I know we will make it happen somehow and that it will be wonderful, but the whole money situation just stinks. Not to mention all of this planning is nerve wracking and it doesn't help that everyone wants to put in their two cents on every aspect of things.

Shew, on to other topics I'm so tired of that. I am wanting a puppy so badly I can't even explain it. Our landlord however wants a $600 non-refundable deposit for a pet. Therefore my yearning for a puppy will not be fulfilled. I so desperately need something to keep me company while Adam is traveling so much for work. I am not looking forward to him being gone for 6 weeks straight in the new year. I don't take well to being alone. So basically, all I want for Christmas is a puppy that I can't have.

I'm truly grateful that my dad got out of the hospital today after being there a week now. It is good to know they got the situation under control finally. Hopefully it will stay under control and not happen again. In all honesty I do miss being there a little bit right now. It is a scary thing to have him in the hospital and I can't be there for support. I can't even imagine losing my dad even though I know it is inevitable in the future.

I must end this now on the note that I am feeling pretty nasty. Sickness goes around work like no one's business. I need to load up on the vitamin C and get some rest before I get any sicker than I am.